Do You Need an Emotional Boost Today?

Tom Sheets


Let’s face it. Things are very bad across the country. At this writing we have had 14,808 deaths from COVID-19. The economy is in tatters, at least for the near future. Millions have filed for unemployment. Millions of others can’t get their applications in. Businesses are closed. Many will not reopen. It can be really depressing. This won’t last forever; but it is going to last awhile longer.

Could you use an emotional pickup? Take 4 minutes and 31 seconds and listen to Evangelo Morris at the link. We promise you will feel a little better and ready to do what you need to do today to cope. You will be reminded that our Country has been through hell many times throughout our history–and have always survived to rise and flourish again.

This too shall pass.

If you liked this, please share it, pass it on, tell others about it, and face today feeling a little better.

Thank you Andy Trotti for bringing this to our attention.