There are at least 22 Veteran Suicides Every Day
And that’s just the official number. Experts believe the number is more likely 24-25 Veterans a day. That is over 9,000 former service members each year we are losing to Veteran suicides. And the rate of active-duty suicides has increased over the last five years.
These men and women volunteered and fought for our freedom. They are not getting the services they need after returning home from war. We can and should do better by them.
Historically, military suicide rates have been lower than those rates found in the general population. Rising suicide rates among Service members and Veterans over the past decade have raised public and professional concerns. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in the U.S. military.
Although the bulk of veteran suicides are among individuals 55 and older, that’s largely a reflection of how much of the population is from earlier generations. The rate of suicide among those older veterans is about 25 per 100,000 individuals. Among 18- to 34-year-old veterans, that figure is almost 45 per 100,000. There is a younger veteran problem, and there is a female veteran suicide problem.
Holistic Approaches to Veteran Suicide Prevention
Healing Moral Injury Through Deep Storytelling
The Veteran-Clinician Relationship
Alternative Interventions That Work
Deep Sea Valkyries
After Suicide Strikes You and Your Family
The Ripple Effect