
Special Meeting of Members of the Southwest Veterans Chamber of Commerce (SWVCC)

 Consistent with the provisions of Article IX Section 1 and Article III Section 2 of the Bylaws of the SWVCC, the Board of Directors has called a Special Meeting of the Members to approve two amendments to the Bylaws. Specifically, the Board of Directors recommends the two following amendments:

  • Amend Article III Section 5 to reduce the quorum threshold at Annual and Special Meetings from 25% to 10%.
  • Amend Article IV Section 5 to eliminate the restriction on the number of continuous terms directors may serve.

 These proposals are made considering two realities facing the SWVCC:

  • We have failed to achieve a quorum at the last two Annual Meetings, which precludes conducting any official business.
  • We have not been able to attract sufficient volunteers to fill the desired Board of nine directors.

It is critically important that we achieve a 25% quorum at this special meeting, either through personal attendance or proxy. To maximize attendance at this meeting, it will be held in conjunction with the August luncheon at Maggianos on Tuesday August 27, 2024 at 11:30 am.

If you are not sure that you can make it to the meeting, please fill complete the on-line proxy on the this page by choosing one of two options:

  • Assign your proxy to the Secretary of the SWVCC BoD
  • Assign your proxy to an individual of your choice.
  • Complete form with your name, email address and date.

Thank you for your support.

Tom Sheets
Executive Director

Special Meeting Proxy

August 27, 2024

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose only one option by circling either “Option 1” or “Option 2” below. Appoint the SWVCC Secretary as your proxy holder by circling Option 1; then date the form, print your name at the bottom, sign it, and mail or deliver it to the SWVCC (Do not insert a name). Appoint an individual of your choosing-who will be at the meeting-as your proxy holder by circling Option 2; then insert the printed name of your designated proxy holder, date the form, print your name at the bottom, sign it, and deliver the proxy to that individual for presentation at the Annual Meeting.

The undersigned Member of the Southwest Veterans Chamber of Commerce (SWVCC) appoints:

Selection *

as my proxy holder to attend the Special Meeting of the SWVCC on August 27, 2024 at 11:30 am at Maggiano’s Little Italy restaurant.

The proxy holder named above has the authority to vote and act for me in all matters presented to the Membership for vote by the Board of Directors of the SWVCC. This proxy grants no other authority.