Veteran Non-profit Fundraising Severely Impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic

Lee Lange
Director, AVHOFS

The Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society (AVHOFS), like other non-profit members of the Southwest Veterans Community, has suffered significant reductions in donations and the ability to conduct fundraising events because of the COVID-19 pandemic. These reductions in fundraising were accompanied by a decision by the Arizona Department of Veteran Services not to award a grant of $40,000 to AVHOFS as it had done in the previous three years. The bottom line is simple and tragic—those lost revenues mean we cannot provide the level of support to our Veterans that we have in past years.

Even in the best of times many Veterans struggle for employment, housing, and health care. With nearly 40 million more Americans unemployed due to COVID-19, the plight of many of our Veterans has worsened dramatically. Many of them are in jeopardy of ‘being left behind.” The chances of landing a good job with benefits just got much harder for many Veterans and their families!

To help restore our ability to fund our Veteran programs, the AVHOFS has initiated a “No Veteran Left Behind” fundraising campaign. We have also identified a corporate supporter that will match some of the funds raised. Our sponsor has extended the time we have to raise funds under this program to July 31. To that end, we are reaching out to our fellow members of the Southwest Veterans Community to help us prevent Veterans and their families from being left behind by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Will you help us help our Veterans and their families by making a one-time donation?

□ Yes…I will help AVHOFS not let our Veterans be left behind by COVID-19 by donating:

□ $100      □      $50      □ $25      □ Other amount ______________

Your donation will help us support our homeless Veterans, Veterans Court, and our Maternity Outreach to Mothers (MOM) programs. You can donate and help us accomplish this mission by mailing your check to:

4980 S. Alma School Rd.
Suite A2-619
Chandler, AZ, 85248

Or online at:

If you can, please make your donation to arrive at AVHOFS by July 31, 2020. You can make donations after that, but they may not qualify for the matching funds. Your personal check will avoid merchant services fees and put 100% of your donations to work. But…we will graciously accept donations in any form.

You can also help by forwarding this information to your family, friends, colleagues, and networks who are also loyal supporters of our Veterans and their families.

On behalf of the Veterans and their families who will ultimately benefit from your generosity, we thank you.