GuideStar, the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations, has recently upgraded the Southwest Veterans Foundation Seal of Transparency from Bronze to Silver.  These Seals recognize non-profit organizations whose ethics and transparency in its programs and operations meet the guidelines established by GuideStar. Now our community members as well as 10+ million GuideStar users can find out more about our mission and programs. Plus, we’ve provided fresh information to 200+ charitable websites and applications that use GuideStar data, such as AmazonSmile, Facebook, and Network for Good. What do you think? Check out our profile at The Foundation Center and GuideStar have joined forces to become a new nonprofit called Candid. Learn more at

We want to thank our Board of Directors, our affiliate the Southwest Veterans Chamber of Commerce and its 200+ Members, and our many community partners for helping to make this possible. The SWVF Board of Directors will now shoot for the Gold level on the way to the highest level of recognition, the Platinum Seal of Transparency.