Don’t Forget to Put a “Memorial” in your Memorial Day Weekend
Another Memorial Day weekend is here. If foreigners or aliens who knew nothing of our Memorial Day were to arrive in the US this week, they would probably get the impression that Memorial Day is about travel, cookouts, and great sales at our stores and online. Sadly, for too many Americans, they would be right.
Memorial Day is a tradition honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their Country, dating back to our post-Civil War era. Over time, however, there seems to be less and less “Memorial” in Memorial Day. Many parents will recognize the old saying, “It’s 11:00—do you know where your children are?” We have an updated question for parents: “It’s Memorial Day—do your children know what it’s really about?
So, among your busy travel, events, and family parties, don’t forget to include the “Memorial in your Memorial Day.” One great and enjoyable way to do this—and you can do it with family and friends– is to watch PBS’s annual Memorial Day Concert on Sunday May 28th at 8:00 pm (Eastern).
Finally, for those who have lost a family member or loved one while serving their Country, everyday is Memorial Day. Let us also not forget those families on this day that is so meaningful to them.
We love the annual Memorial Day Concert; watch it every year with in laws who is a Korea War Era Veteran. Great music, tributes, and a cast of true Heroes and Patriots. And yes, every day should be Memorial Day.