247th Birthday
The Southwest Veterans Chamber of Commerce (SWVCC) is proud to hoist a toast to the United States Navy on their 247th birthday. Since its founding on October 13, 1775 by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, the United States Navy has served and defended our Nation and its interests around the globe. It consisted of two crudely outfitted sailing vessels, armed with ten carriage guns, as well as swivel guns, and manned by crews of eighty, and was deployed on a cruise of three months to intercept British transports carrying munitions and stores to the British army in America. Today it is the most sophisticated Navy in the world as it continues to defend our Nation and our interests through their five primary functions: sea control, sealift, power projection, deterrence, and maritime security. As you read this think of the thousands of Sailors on the frontlines of freedom on the seas, below the seas, in the air, on land, and standing by to deploy on short notice to our most dangerous special operations missions. To those currently serving in the US Navy and all those who have ever served, Happy birthday shipmates!
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