Business Networking: It’s Not Just About Face to Face and Large Groups Events
by Tom Sheets
A search of local business websites, publications, and business blogs shows hundreds of networking events every month in the Phoenix Valley. These are very productive for some people; inefficient and unproductive for many others. Regardless of outcomes, these large events have become a primary source of marketing and business development activities for many small businesses.
As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, however, many if not most of these events have been cancelled, and others are being avoided as prudent risk management efforts. So, how do you replace those sources of business and new leads? The answer has been there all along; it just takes a crisis for many to realize that “networking isn’t just about face to face and large group events.”
Most people have a website and social media. They are the tools. What are the best techniques? There are many other web-based tools for group use, podcasts, on-line trade-shows, and virtual lectures and conferences.
The Southwest Veterans Community is committed to helping its members grow their business regardless of market and environmental forces. So we are asking our Members to help each other.
“What are your best ideas for networking and business development in this environment of restricted face to face events?”
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