- On average 20 Veterans commit suicide every day.
- 70% of them were not receiving Veterans Administration (VA) care.
- The 2020 VA Annual Report on Veteran Suicides released in December 2020 only covers 2017-2018 data (no 2019 data in its 2020 annual report!).
- While the VA may not be able to report 2019 data a year later, the Department of Defense says that “Suicide among active duty troops jumped to six-year high!”
- Despite everything that has been done to date…Veteran suicides continue to increase.
- It is a National Tragedy.
This National Tragedy has reached epidemic proportions. We must realize and accept that the solution is not going to come from Washington, DC. All who care must act everywhere to attack this problem!
The Southwest Veterans Foundation provides grants to non-profit organizations with documented success in assisting high-risk Veterans and addressing the triggers we know are associated with suicide.
If just 4,300 people donate $20, we will reach our $100,000 goal.
Will you help us?
Donate at https://southwestveterans.dojiggy.io/support-veterans
100% of your donation is tax deductible. SWVF FID number is 35-2534557.
On behalf of the Veterans and their families who will ultimately benefit from your generosity,
After a successful launch of our campaign early in 2020, the COVID-19 Pandemic dashed our hopes or reaching that $100,000 goal. The SWVF has already awarded over $11,000 in grants to fight Veteran suicides. With your help, we will achieve the goal of raising $100,000 and awarding it in additionally grants. Will you please donate $20 or whatever you can afford, and forward this effort to your family, friends, neighbors, and groups in which you participate. 100% of your donation is tax deductible.
Our Veterans have served us well, let’s now support them now when it is most needed !! Please support the grass roots effort to care for our Veterans today.