The Southwest Veterans Chamber of Commerce is proud to salute the United States Army as it celebrates its 247th Birthday on June 14, 2022. The US Army was established on June 14th, 1775 as the Continental Army that could represent all 13 colonies. It was considered America’s first national institution.
George Washington was selected as the first Commander in Chief in 1775, and in 1776, with the Declaration of Independence, the Continental Army and the militia became known as the Army of the United States.
In 1784, after the Revolutionary War, congress ordered the last Continental Army to disband and the remaining soldiers were discharged. It did retain two companies which became the 1st American Regiment for national service.
As the senior US military service, the US Army flag is always displayed in the senior position when displayed with the other service flags.
Those of us who have served in other branches salute and honor our Army comrades-in-arms on this special day. On this 247th birthday of our senior service, we join the ranks of millions of Americans to salute all Army Veterans and all those who are serving today. Moreover, we know that our Army will continue to “roll along” for another 247 years.
Thank you for your service and God bless you all.
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